Caponord Debut

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Jul 25, 2015
Merseyside, UK
I am now the proud owner of a 2013 1200 Travel Pack.
Took a Rally out for a demo ride 4 weeks ago and was so impressed I took the plunge into once considered "unreliable" Italian waters by sourcing a hopefully well treated and cared for used Caponord.
It certainly looks immaculate in its silver livery.
That was 3 weeks ago and 1000+ trouble free ( apart from trying to set the cruise control with limited success! ) miles around the West Coast of Scotland, highly recommended for capabilities of this bike and a huge grin for the rider, later I have no regrets.
So now I need to find out what all the gadgets do, if they're doing it and all the other useful stuff that other owners have learnt, like oil, tyres, ECU remaps, ADD, ATC, what the USB port is for etc, err ..... if you don't mind.
Should be nearly as much fun as riding it!!
Great Bike

Hi guys, Red's pretty flash, but I'm biased (2014 Red Touring spec, new in Feb2015).

I've just had the 10,000km scheduled service. Going out in the morning (had to give the Blackbird a run's tough owning two bikes!).

I absolutely love the 190/55 Michelin PR4 on the rear - it also helps correct the speedo error from 8% to more like 5%. Handling is even better and I still have the OEM Dunlop on the front (still plenty of tread and grip).

I think the 2013 has the same specs as the 2014/15 models....if so, you will want to check and fit a 16t front sprocket if it still has a 17t (fixes the "way too tall' gearing).

Also, check out the other forum as well...(they are all Caponords afterall) there is heaps of great info available.:D

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