Below 3k rpm flatspot?

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Oct 3, 2008
Hi all, getting used to my bike now and while I admit I still need to fine tune the chain adjustment and throttle cable slack, the bike seems very kind of fidgety and unwilling to ride at under 3k.
So this means slow junctions and roundabouts in 2nd mainly, it seems to be much happier on the throttle but there is a definite flatspot there.
Could this be an effect of it being chipped? It is supposed to have the EVO chip installed? (I will visually confirm this at the weekend so I am not guessing)
i improved this area on mine Jay by adjusting the TB bypass screws in a little to richen
i went in half turn on each..front now at 1 1/4 out and rear at 3/4 turn out i also have the RSV Titanium EVO chip with PC111 map...the flat is around transition area of fueling of vac & mixture moving to the ECU/PC111 chip map fueling. Chk TB screw positions and take in 1/8th turn trying this..if still there go in another 1/8th until improvement shows. If you have the RSV Titanium EVO then the ECU trim pots will be enabled also..default position is both screws vertical...i would leave adjusting these until you can put the bike on a gas analyser. Also chk that your TPS is zeroed.
whats yer gearing matey?, dya have a pc111?, I also run the idle speed a touch higher(mainly cos of the 57mm TB's). Sort your chain, not too tight and get zero play in yer throttle that should sort it.
Cheers lads, I won't start adjusting the mixture myself, might try to get it dyno'd early next year.
Have dropped a tooth off the front for now, which I'm happy with the difference it made.
No PCIII - I will adjust the chain and throttle cable at the weekend and inspect the ECU & chip so I know more.
..above 3 k but preferably at 9.5k..yeehaawww! or mebbe 8/65 gearing!
One does try old boy!

But like I say, in traffic, rounding cars at junctions or mini-roundabouts make this impossible to do all the time.

If I do get it dyno'd I will get the throttle bodies balanced etc
Check Jay that You have a 16t on the front as this makes a hell of a difference to riding of the RSV
What ratio you running JayB?

I was on 16 front 42 rear and had the same issues as you, went for 15/42 and it's awesome. Best £18 you'll ever spend.
Certainly agree 16/44 or 15/42 are two of the best gearing combinations for this engine.
Either of these two will give you great accelerated torque in the riding rev band. Goodluck fine tuning matey..the dyno and gas analyser when having the spare time will allow you to get the best tune setup for yer Ape. :thumbup
Cheers all, I'm happy with just the 16T front to be honest. It's not the gearing though, it's a definite flatspot, almost feels like a misfire where it just hesitates. It must either be the chip or bad throttle synching, now that's been mentioned I can relate to that.
Over 3k it is fine and dandy everywhere and pulls plenty hard enough for me on the gearing I have. I do miss my Blade for a ton in 2nd rather than 3rd as it is, I don't want to shorten this any further..

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