Aprilia RS50 for sale

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May 10, 2008
Well as you all know these are tough times.. so sadly i am having to sell my first bike.

Its an Aprilia RS50 (early 05 model) on a 54 plate, bought it new december 2004.
Its done around 17,000 KM (10,000 miles) and was serviced by official dealers while in warranty, it has since been maintained by me to a very high standard.

Looking for around £1600 for it but sensible offers will be considered.




Not got a full list atm but here is a brief idea of whats been done recently:
new clutch
new chain and sprockets (custom gearing for better top speed)
brand new battery
recent brake pads
new spark plug

Its only ever been owner & ridden by me since new, i ran it in perfectly according to the manual and its never let me down.

It has a few scrapes on it, none of which are seriously noticable.
It was dropped once at low speed on grass, unfortunately it snapped the indicator off and the shock cracked the front fairing.. it has since been professionally repaired and resprayed and is 100% perfect.

custom smaller indicators look really nice
dark black double bubble screen looks awesome and added performance lol
never tuned the engine or fitted performance exhausts or anything like that

it came derestricted by the official dealer. who informed me its dangerously nasty to ride while restricted to 30mph, i never had any problems about it with police while i was 16

before i changed the sprocket sizes the top speed was around 50-55mph
after changing sprockets the top speed was 65-70mph
this made the 100 mile slogs along dual carraigeways MUCH safer and more enjoyable.

i dont believe i ever "ragged it" because it was my baby and i actually cared about it more than i cared about being overtaken by my scooter riding friends :dunno always ran it on the best two stroke oil i could get (like 3x the price of cheap crap..) and ran it with super unleaded when possible.

obviously this is more for your kids who are turning 16/17 but i wont say anything if you want it for yourself :devious

posting it on here for you guys to have a chance before it goes on biketrader/ebay/wherever

if you want more pics just let me know and i will try to get them up :thumbup
Aww bless. My first bike was an RS125, saved for a year and bought it brand new. Learnt to kneedown on it. ******* brilliant little bikes. will out handle anything on the road up to 80mph if you got the bottle (or zero sense as was the case)
haha totally agree with the outhandling thing, i still miss the handling... i could never afford proper bike kit really so i rode with jeans, i soon thought about why i shouldnt knee down with them.. lol so i learnt how to lean over crazy far with me legs tucked in out the way ;)

irony really now i have proper bike pants they dont have knee slider attachments.. lol and i ride like a chicken on the rsv anyway, unlike the lil 50 if the rsv started to go i couldnt muscle it back in line...
i look at it this way.. i went from a 50cc bike to 1000cc with over 10x the power when i was just 18, and im still alive. and *touch wood* havent dropped the rsv even once.. this tells me that my riding style is good, might not be fast or pretty but i couldnt care less how i look to others, too busy having FUN :D
Thats the right attitude to have mate. **** what others think. Your doing well, like I said before I V2 is gruntier down low, you would find an R1 etc less intimidating if you rode it very gently, big inlines only bite you when you think you can handle them up in the revs, where as the V`s can bite you low down, like if you let the clutch go early when taking off or entering a corner hot. So you`v done well!

Your insurance must be a bloody bomb though!
Its not about muscling it so much as understanding the dynamics of it.

Do what I did, when I had the RS i had hand me down leather pants and a old kevlar denim jacket! lol
I bought sticky velcro pads you can stick on any trousers, then put sliders on them. I used to do the same as in lean really far without shifting, but you`ll find once you do you`ll carry the same corner speed at less lean and the bike will be more stable, plus if it does tuck or step out your weight will be in the right place to control or catch it (if you feel it go in time). The style of the learning on the RS has stayed with me though, and even now I dont hang off that much.
yeah insurance was outright stupid for the first year, but now its settled down somewhat.. still dont understand why last year my insurance went up by over 100 quid for no reason.. guess thats why insurance companies get no loyal customers

what i meant about muscling it was more to do with emergency saving yourself from going down if you hit diesel spill or black ice etc i ride bolt upright and stupidly slow expecting to slide all over the place when it gets slippy, on the 50 it didnt matter so much because you could control the drift/slide of the bike with your body weight/position as it was such a lightweight little thing you could stop yourself sliding right into a brick wall.. the rsv is alot bigger n heavier so i have no intention of even contemplating the same tactics ;)

biggest kit upgrade i ever got was racing style boots, never gonna forget riding with trainers and the shoelace getting all snagged on the gear lever.. i got stuck at a roundabout in 4th gear unable to shift down, unable to slip the clutch enough to get moving again, couldnt even get off the bike cus i was stuck to it good.. i can proudly say i was never stupid enough to ride in shorts and t shirt though :)

another good point about the rs50.. insurance and road tax is ridiculously cheap! was about £500 fully comp and came right down to around £200 and less after i had a few years NCB while the road tax was like £11 a year lol m8 who got a car paid 5x the value of his car in insurance (2500 for tpft lol) and 200 quid on tax.. not to mention the petrol consumption on that 50 is crazy low, i once measured over 110mpg lol im tempted to switch back to riding it instead of the rsv just to save some money ;)
Not a bad idea during winter if its your only transport! fuel is so expense.

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