alright mate. I've fitted a heat shield between the rear master cylinder and the engine about 2 months ago after reading about different fixes. This seemed to be the way to go. Was simple to do, took about half an hour. Involves removing the right hand fairing and undoing the rear master cylinder, slipping the shield on and that's it. What was more difficult was the bleeding and getting it right. I'm not very experienced with working on bikes but I just followed the Haynes manual. It has definitely improved things. Wouldn't say it's any where near my old Gixxer's but worth doing. I bought the shield off a guy on ebay for £15. Search under motorcycle parts and accessories and then rsv in the search box should be on there. He makes them himself and they are larger than some others i've seen and well finished. Think he's charging £25 now, as i'm sure I saw him advertising the other day. If I get chance I'll see if I can get his details. I'm sure some of the other guys will have different opinions about these shields but all I can say is it has improved things for me. Good luck