Anyone with a Factory...Please help me out!

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Mar 4, 2009
I'm having problems with my 2004 Factory ticking over, or rather not ticking over. I have looked through the Workshop manual and found something which is different to mine. The manual covers the Mille so this could be a change from the older Mille which is different on the Factory as I know they changed to a single spark plug from the twin plugs on the Mille......Anyway, enough ranting, this is what I'd like someone to check for me on theirs...

If you look just below the tank on the right side with a torch (brake lever side, no need to remove the tank or anything) there is a gap where you can see the throttle sensor (I'm not sure if that's the exact name) and if you turn the throttle, you will see a silver plate turn towards the right with two round contact points on it. When you release the throttle, this plate returns behind a gold coloured plate and it is this gold coloured plate I want you to check if you'd be so kind.

On mine, there is a bolt in the top hole with blue paint on it but the bottom hole is empty with no bolt. In the Workshop manual, there is a bolt in both holes. Now I don't know if mine should have a lower bolt or if it has fallen out causing my problems or if there should only be the one top bolt due to the single spark plug design on the Factory.
I have added a crude diagram to show you what I mean.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

I will take a look tonight for you.. 2004 FActory also.

interesting though, because someone else is having trouble with idle and I suggested checking the IACV or idle bypass device (electronic lump that lets air past teh throttle flap when closed to maintain idle.) it has to adjust all the time and if it gets gummed up you get problems like you are describing
I will take a look tonight for you.. 2004 FActory also.

interesting though, because someone else is having trouble with idle and I suggested checking the IACV or idle bypass device (electronic lump that lets air past teh throttle flap when closed to maintain idle.) it has to adjust all the time and if it gets gummed up you get problems like you are describing

Hi Skullface,
It was me you were talking to regarding the IACV. I was trying to see if I could see what you meant and found this part which didn't match the images in the manual...I've no idea if what I am describing is the IACV or not, but I think this is something different?

Hi Danny
I just went out to look at mine , a late 2003 Factory (Gen 2)
Mine only has one bolt too.
Hope it helps, good luck

Hi Danny
I just went out to look at mine , a late 2003 Factory (Gen 2)
Mine only has one bolt too.
Hope it helps, good luck


That's brilliant! Thanks Adz very much. At least I can rule that out as a possible fault!
Thanks mate, really appreciate the time and effort you took to help.

Check the two little vacum hoses under tank coming off the air box, clutch lever side, common for them to split and come off.

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