Alignment of bars

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Aug 2, 2013
Blairhalll, Scotland
After the dreaded strike of the side stand fairy I have now all bit sorted the cosmetic damage to the bike.

Took her out for a test ride last night and noticed the the bars don't seem to be sitting square when traveling in a straight line.

Checked the front fork alignment and all seems well.

When you look down the bars they seem ever so slightly off line with the yolk plate.

The left hand riser looks 2 to 4mm down from the top of the plate.

Now I'm just wondering if the impact has moved the rises slightly.

Had a look at it today but can't get a socket into the bolt to slacken it off. Don't really want to take the top yolk off to sort this.

Any suggestions?
take the top yolk off ... or put up with the bars pissed:thumbup
take the bars out of the risers n tape em out the way onto the the fairing
undo that big nut on the top yolk with the holes round it with the hexagon in the middle using a hex socket.
undo the two fork clamp bolts on the top yolk and pull the top yolk off.
sort out the riser bolts and refit
nip up the big nut and tighten the fork clamp bolts
then torque the big nut up
Think the bolt on the LH riser may be ever so slightly bent.

See its a 30mm M10 with flange.

If the flange totally necessary? or will a replacement bolt and washer do?
as long as the bolts the same length you will be good to go:thumbup
make sure its tightened up propper

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