99 Mille Clutch Issue

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May 25, 2013
I have been working away for the past couple of weeks so not been out on the bike. Last weekend I got home briefly and thought I would go for a spin. The bike had sat for a couple of weeks and had not even been started. It started fine but I had no clutch action at all. I rode it around my estate for a few minutes and then the clutch came back and I could change gear ok. When I got back from my ride it was a bit of a pig to get in neutral, but I was stationary when I tried so maybe that was why?

If anyone has any ideas why I had no clutch when I first got it running please advise me. The lever worked fine but it was doing absolutely nothing to the clutch, it was as if it had lost all hydraulic action.
I think the slave cylinders have a habit of failing. It certainly sounds like a hydraulic problem.
If you bleed it the problem will probably come back. Check out and look for a leak and go from there.
have you lost any fluid out of the reservoir ?? sounds like it needs bleeding but if your fluid level drops you probably have a leaking seal this can be replaced or you can buy an aftermarket slave
The reservoir is full and there are no signs of leaks. I am going to have the slave off and bleed it, see if that helps.
Could be the master cylinder then.....
Bleed it and see if the problem returns. If your fluid is black it could be the indication of a failing seal or sometimes it's the pipe from reservoir that is breaking up internally and polluting the fluid.
Good luck.
I would recommend getting a new uprated larger piston slave unit u can get em for 45 on fleabay n they look prettier too.
As ur bike is 14 years old it is probably time it was changed ...
Bled the master and the slave and it is spot on now. No signs of leaking from the slave so the seal must still be good but the system was full of air, especially the master.

Thanks for the replies folks
Be careful

All very well but the air got in somehow so it is possible the fault may reoccur. I wouldn't go too far on your next trip to make sure it doesn't come back straight away.

Bled the master and the slave and it is spot on now. No signs of leaking from the slave so the seal must still be good but the system was full of air, especially the master.

Thanks for the replies folks

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