I bought this bike back in Feb and i don't think it's the bike for me. Whilst it's an awesome bike I just don't think I need a bike with this kind of power, it's wasted on me! The bike is a 2014 bike, I bought it brand new but it was a pre reg so it had been sitting in the showroom. Obviously it had 0 miles when I took it. It now has 800 miles and has had its first service. It is in absolutely immaculate condition. It's been covered up in my garage (the cleanest room in my house!) and has never even seen a drop of rain. I do have finance out on this bike but after speaking to the finance company this is obviously tied to me, I am happy to pay off the finance if the bike sells on the phone with the buyer in front of me.
Being so new this bike still has plenty of warranty on it. I have the service stamp for the first service and all the documentation that came with it. The bike is completely standard, it's the black / white version.
I live in witney near oxford. I'm looking for £10k for the bike, this would be a good saving on a brand new one if you could still get the 1000cc version. I am open to offers but I won't budge much from £10k
Thanks for looking
I bought this bike back in Feb and i don't think it's the bike for me. Whilst it's an awesome bike I just don't think I need a bike with this kind of power, it's wasted on me! The bike is a 2014 bike, I bought it brand new but it was a pre reg so it had been sitting in the showroom. Obviously it had 0 miles when I took it. It now has 800 miles and has had its first service. It is in absolutely immaculate condition. It's been covered up in my garage (the cleanest room in my house!) and has never even seen a drop of rain. I do have finance out on this bike but after speaking to the finance company this is obviously tied to me, I am happy to pay off the finance if the bike sells on the phone with the buyer in front of me.
Being so new this bike still has plenty of warranty on it. I have the service stamp for the first service and all the documentation that came with it. The bike is completely standard, it's the black / white version.
I live in witney near oxford. I'm looking for £10k for the bike, this would be a good saving on a brand new one if you could still get the 1000cc version. I am open to offers but I won't budge much from £10k
Thanks for looking