16tooth Front Sproket

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Mar 14, 2017
Croydon North
Gday just wondering if anyone has changed there front sproket from 17tooth to 16 tooth. I just bought a 16 tooth and started to fit it today, what a struggle you need to remove the gear selector and the clutch slave cylinder as well as the slave housing. The real trouble started with the sprocket bolt, it must have loctight on the thread. Unfortunately the bolt head rounded off, hope it’s worth the trouble. There isn’t any trick to undoing the bolt I hope lefty loose right tight
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Front Sprocket change over

Tried to change the front sproket again today got a rattle gun and tried again to no avail. The bolt is seized on I un scewed it about 5 turns and it won’t move. Any suggestions
I started that process too. The sprocket bolt is held on with a ridiculous amount of torque. I needed a long cracker bar to get it off. Unfortunately for me, the chain length on my rally is much too long and the 16t sprocket didn't allow me to adjust enough slack out. I don't have a chain breaker, nor did I want to go through the trouble, so I put the 17t back on and forgot about the 16t mod
I put my Caponord into Peter Stevens for its 10000km service and they removed the 17 tooth sproket. The difference is for the better, the bike cruises at low speed great now. The only down side is the bike feels like it needs another gear now, but it still has plenty to go. Very happy with the modification

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