uprated clutch slave cylinder

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Right the numbers have grown enough that i will try for more discount before we fix a price.

I will email Uli and let you know probably on Monday assuming Germany doesn't have a bank holiday.
Then we can get the money together and i can go to the bahamas errr i mean order the parts. :devious

I reckon we can get it down at least another £5 or maybe £10 which will be a bonus.

correct me if i have anyone on this list who is out or the wrong colour.
These are just the confirmed or interested people.

As far as ordering i don't mind when it happens but i am in the pyrenees on the bike 3 - 9th sept so need to be before or after then.

Milleboy82 - Gold
Superted - Silver
Colinpp - Silver
Dan46 - Black
agreat1 - Red
Sonic rsv - Red
Ark2001 - Silver
Amb67 - Silver
Richmond Rossi - Gold
Garin - Black
Gaz - ?


Tin Tin

15 if everyone has one.
Gold one for me pls !!

gold for me spoonz ( looks like i nearly missed out ) pm you to
If you are still looking for orders I'd be happy to get one. Just let me know when and how you want payment.:thumbup
Milleboy82 - Gold
Superted - Silver
Colinpp - Silver
Dan46 - Black
agreat1 - Red
Sonic rsv - Red
Ark2001 - Silver
Amb67 - Silver
Richmond Rossi - Gold
Garin - Black
Gaz - ?
Hooked - Gold
Millersvr69 - ?


Tin Tin

17 if everyone has one.
Last edited:
Milleboy82 - Gold
Superted - Silver
Colinpp - Silver
Dan46 - Black
agreat1 - Red
Sonic rsv - Red
Ark2001 - Silver
Amb67 - Silver
Richmond Rossi - Gold
Garin - Black
Gaz - ?
Hooked - Gold


Tin Tin

16 if everyone has one.

I'm in spoonz plz, if its not too late buddy :devious:thumbup
sorry changed my mind, i'll have gold instead of black. updated list.........

Milleboy82 - Gold
Superted - Silver
Colinpp - Silver
Dan46 - Gold
agreat1 - Red
Sonic rsv - Red
Ark2001 - Silver
Amb67 - Silver
Richmond Rossi - Gold
Garin - Black
Gaz - ?
Hooked - Gold
Milliersvr69 - ?

Tin Tin
Milleboy82 - Gold
Superted - Silver
Colinpp - Silver
Dan46 - Gold
agreat1 - Red
Sonic rsv - Red
Ark2001 - Silver
Amb67 - Silver
Richmond Rossi - Gold
Garin - Black
Gaz - ?
Hooked - Gold
Milliersvr69 - ?
Tin Tin -Black

14 confirmed


Whey hey!!

14 confirmed and 3 maybe's. :doug

Have we managed to negotiate a better purchase price with these numbers?

When are we going order them?

On my last tin of Brake fluid now, need to know whether to buy bulk or not. :pirate
waiting for Mpl to come back with any price revision.

I will give it to Wednesday to allow the maybe's to join in then i'll get things moving.
good work bud maybe worth putting a fresh thread in the group buy section incase anybody has overlooked the thread!

Whoop whooop cant wait to get mine
sorry for the delay, i've been away for a few days

Black for me plz
Milleboy82 - Gold
Superted - Silver
Colinpp - Silver
Dan46 - Gold
agreat1 - Red
Sonic rsv - Red
Ark2001 - Silver
Amb67 - Silver
Richmond Rossi - Gold
Garin - Black
Gaz - Black
Hooked - Gold
Milliersvr69 - ?
Tin Tin -Black
HeroBlob - Red
Zzero -Black

16 confirmed



Uli wasn't able to discount any more than £80 unless the numbers were considerably higher which is a shame. That is the trade price dealers pay apparantly and he couldn't go less than they get without upsetting them.

They have to be paid up front by bank transfer which costs £25 from my bank and we have postage from them and to you to cover as well.

The grand total for the Uk people is £84.50 to your door. For our Usa friend +£10 and for Zzero + £5

i don't mind how people pay me but i would ask if you use Paypal that you cover the fees they will charge me for recieving the money.

My paypal is Colin dot vincent at homecall dot co dot uk

Zzero i will have to phone my bank to find out my Iban etc as i don't know it myself.

If anyone is sending a cheque let me know and i will pm you my addy or if anyone is bailing out let me know before Monday as i will be sending the money then to MPL.
yup thats fine for me!

i'll be waiting for your bic and iban numbers and then i can send you the money:thumbup

Have sent you the money via paypal. Please could you confirm you got it and got my address details...

cheers for sorting this all out mate.....

now can u get me a cheap exhaust system.......... Mr salesman

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